
Post with no breadcrumbs

Due to loss of land, the entire Maasai community of today is facing severe food crisis. As the Maasai culture revolves around cattle herding, the loss of Indigenous land rights has led to long-term food insecurity, as the Maasais lack the resources to live their pastoralist lifestyle. The continuous failure of the governments to understand the importance of this pastoral community has led to pathetic situation.

In general, the Maasai community are internationally known for their distinctive culture, rituals, high jumping dance and custom dress. The recent population growth, development strategies, and a shortage of land have declined cattle raising. Adaptation to rapid economic and social change is the greatest challenge the Maasais face. Furthermore, the increased land encroachment has threatened their traditional way of life.

As the Maasai, the pastoral peoples of Kenya and Tanzania, depend on their cattle herds. It is inevitable that their lands should be free from the clutches of the government bodies. Unfortunately, the failure of the governments to support Maasais livelihoods and incorporate their indigenous knowledge in biodiversity conservation has forced many into poverty. As biodiversity conservation accelerates the recognition of the challenges of the Maasai community, the support from local, national, and global society, the Maasais are increasingly proactive in promoting biodiversity conservation as they articulate ways to eradicate poverty.

To boost up tourism and focus on economic growth, the governments in Kenya and Tanzania are continuously using a wide range of abusive tactics to displace the Maasai community. One such tactical move of the government to evict Maasai people from their ancestral land is in the name of conservation. Through this wily tactic, the governments have restricted Maasai access to important grazing areas and water sources.
The United Nations human rights experts have condemned the displacement of Maasai people, the Tanzanian security forces has been using live ammunition and tear gas against the Maasais, who protested “continuous encroachment” on their ancestral lands. The governments should take sincere efforts to work with these pastoralist communities on a plan that respects their right to the land, heeds their traditional practices in preserving the natural ecosystem, and establishes how to work together to protect the area. This would help the Maasai community to eradicate poverty by themselves.

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